The acidic nature of ordinary white vinegar gives it an extraordinary versatility for cleaning. Vinegar liquefied grease and hard water deposits while disinfecting, therefore it’s an effective ground cleaner. It works so long as the Pergo company recommends it for cleaning their laminate flooring solutions.
Pergo Cleaning Instructions
The cleaning instructions provided from the Pergo business call for a solution of 1 cup of vinegar per gallon of warm water. You should not simply wet-mop this solution on the ground, though. Water may cause extensive damage to Pergo flooring when it seeps in the gaps between boards and soaks into the center. Instead, wring your mop out before washing, or, for an even safer cleaning process, wipe the ground down with a well-wrung rag.
Work in Sections
To avoid water damage, it’s important to wash the ground immediately after wiping it with a vinegar solution. This is easier to do if you work in sections, washing and drying one section before continuing on to another. Drying the ground also prevents falling accidents.